Let me paint you a picture: Captain America's dead. Super heroes have spent a great deal of time fighting each other about whether or not super heroes should tell the government their secret identities. The "Super Hero Registration Act" was passed, forcing any heroes who refuse to give up their identities to be criminals, with Tony Stark, a.k.a. "Iron Man," heading up the mission to stop any underground heroes and bring them to justice. Heroes fighting heroes? How can things get worse?
This is where it gets worse. While the heroes were busy attacking each other, and the nation's hero was killed while he was trying to make things right. A shape shifting alien force intent on taking over the earth, the Skrulls, have found a way to completely infiltrate the ranks of super heroes. Once the heroes find out, trust is broken, heroes are fighting heroes even harder now. When the climax hits, and the Skrull king is exposed, one man takes the shot. That man, Norman Osborn, becomes a national hero, given control of S.H.I.E.L.D., the organization that polices super heroes, and his first act is to exert his power to his full extent.
Here we go: Norman Osborn, a.k.a. "The Green Goblin": murderer, psychopath, schizophrenic, took control of a group called The Thunderbolts, an organization made to reform super villains. In reality, Osborn used this power to advance his own corrupt agenda under the guise as a legitimate reformer of super villains. Once he takes that shot and kills the Skrull king, Osborn essentially rules the world. Osborn makes his own version of The Avengers, using super villains with similar powers as the original Avengers, and he modifies and dons confiscated Iron Man armor under the name of "The Iron Patriot." Their role was to make sure that the super heroes of the world don't do anything and that the super villains of the world are free to reign.
So there are multiple things that kill me about this. First off: Captain America's role should not be taken over by a murderer! It's not right! It's just not right! Come on!
Sorry, that got out of hand, I'll try to compose myself, I apologize. Any ways, second off: I understand that Osborn did save the world, but that one act should not put him in a position where he is in control of any one, and I think this will be the focal point of this post.
A few times in my life, I've seen people who have done some pretty bad things, not nearly Norman Osborn things, but bad still. These people have done something that's good, either renounced there bad deeds, asked for forgiveness, or something of this sort. Many times, these people are forgiven, which is great, as a Christian I'm all about forgiveness, but when these people are given some sort of reward for asking for forgiveness, that's when I have a problem. Now, this could be jealousy, because I hear more of people being rewarded for asking forgiveness than people being rewarded for never being good. And maybe this is very wrong of me to say, but I feel like if someone hurts you, you should forgive them, but based on the amount of hurt, you should watch them before giving any sort of reward. I do believe in forgiveness, but I don't think that one instance of good should make you forget a large amount of hurt. I guess what I'm saying is forgive, but wait before you forget, because if you immediately give some one a reward for asking to be forgiven, it's possible that they will misread this reward and misuse it.
Finally, please, if you think that this is extremely wrong, then let me know, I'll appreciate it.
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