All right, so this is my first blog ever, so I guess this is just going to be an introduction. The name of this site has some special significance to me. One of my favorite bands of all time is The Grateful Dead and my favorite song by them is "Scarlet Begonias." I love this song mainly because of one line: "once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." Throughout my life I can see that this line rings true. I was able to find God from an event that hurt me pretty terribly, I was able to find love when I had all but given up on it, and I have some of the deepest thoughts in the most mundane settings. So I don't know, I guess the whole point of the name is that some of the thoughts that I share might affect you in some way, that maybe this might be one of your "strangest of places," that some of my experiences can help you learn some lessons or that maybe you can just get a good laugh from them, but whatever you get from it, I just hope that my thoughts/actions/experiences can help you in some way. I plan on posting something new at least once a week so keep on reading and as the Grateful Dead said: keep on trucking.
I look forward to reading it my brother